The reason to heal.

There is a reason we need healing. This reason is deeply personal to each of us. Some want it for the body. Some want it for the mind. But, everyone wants to feel whole. Like there is nothing missing in who we believe and feel is ‘me’. For decades, I wanted healing for my anxietyContinueContinue reading “The reason to heal.”

Upasani Baba Maharaj of Sakori

On a trip to Shirdi, this week I was guided to visit the ashram of Upasani Baba Maharaj at Sakori. A disciple of Sai Baba, Upasani Maharaj was an enlightened master! His ashram is less than 10 kilometres from Shirdi and is still a pristine hidden space, in the village of Sakori. The peace inContinueContinue reading “Upasani Baba Maharaj of Sakori”

Who is a teacher?

The world defines a teacher based on the education system. A teacher is thus a person who instructs, informs and guides students based on a certain curriculum. Even in a spiritual context, this definition seems to be the norm. Most spiritual students believe in this and continue to chain themselves and their teachers to thatContinueContinue reading “Who is a teacher?”

Bite sized bits of truth

A- There are a million ways to stimulate the mind. The more I seek truth, the more I also seem to distract myself. How do I break the hold, this ego-mind seem to have on me? It makes everything I know seem important and entertaining. Baba:- You do it moment by moment , piece byContinueContinue reading “Bite sized bits of truth”

Action is conscious choice

How does one work without attachment? You told me action is conscious choice and to let the heart guide it. But I am not sure I got it. Sai Baba :- When you choose what is not meant for you, your body and your energy will let you know that you have made a wrongContinueContinue reading “Action is conscious choice”

Lesson 153: In my defenselessness my safety lies

Every morning she is up before dawn. It does not matter how the weather is outside. She doesn’t mind the heat of the summer or the chill of the winter or the wetness of the monsoon. The weather does not interfere with her experience. Walking to the bags, she sorts out the food for theContinueContinue reading “Lesson 153: In my defenselessness my safety lies”

Lesson 141: My Mind holds only what I think with God

Let me tell you a story. It is not an unusual tale but quite a commonly told one. You could ask “why anyone should read a story that has been said many times before,” but bear with me. This is a story that needs to be said again and again, till you believe it. ItContinueContinue reading “Lesson 141: My Mind holds only what I think with God”

Lesson 39: My Holiness is my salvation

My chest pounded and head felt heavy. I watched the anger rise and reminded myself to do nothing. What had fighting with my father ever achieved? Nothing. He was himself. Always was. He never saw his need to please others. He never understood how he sometimes put me, his daughter down just to please someoneContinueContinue reading “Lesson 39: My Holiness is my salvation”

Lesson 38: There is nothing my holiness cannot do.

The door banged loudly behind him. Resisting the urge to follow him, I began to clear the dishes. It was best to wait for a few moments. There was no point in talking to him when he wouldn’t listen. Scolding him didn’t work, disciplining him did not work, and showing him his flaws certainly didn’tContinueContinue reading “Lesson 38: There is nothing my holiness cannot do.”

Lesson 36: My Holiness envelopes everything I see

Lesson 37: My Holiness blesses the world “Senseless. Useless. You sent me here. I want to go back to Mumbai.”  The messages appear rapidly on my phone. Somehow, the anger did not rise. Instead, I felt a wave of compassion. Two days ago, I had been scared when he messaged about not wanting to live.ContinueContinue reading “Lesson 36: My Holiness envelopes everything I see”